Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Beginning

Hello, world! this is weird...but not really cuz many ppl do this blogging thing. and i dont have to capitalize or use punctation! But it looks nicer and after all I will be a teacher so I might as well lead by example. ;)

Well, this is my first blog and it's a bit daunting but the idea of being able to share my thoughts to anyone who comes across this is cool. And I hope its encourages you or something good comes from it. However, this is not the only beginning I am experiencing in this crazy thing called life. I am in the beginning stages of becoming a teacher and stepping out into the real world. The past two weeks of my final year in the university experience have been exhausting. With the adjustments of being in a classroom twice a week and taking a heavy credit load of the last but most critical courses for my degree, I'm ready for a break! As tired as I am though, I am more excited at the thought of what's ahead. Soon I'll be graduating and hopefully will be a full-on elementary teacher. When I was in 5th grade I knew I wanted to influence kids towards Christ like my teacher had influenced me. And then, Lord willing, I'll have the honor of going onto seminary to be further equipped for serving Christ in ministry,which is all I want my life to be about.

But back to reality, I've been thinking about the whole timeline of my life's journey. Maybe its just me but I've always sat in wonder since I was a kid and imagined where I'd be when I grew up, who I'd be, and what I'd be doing. And never would I have EVER thought I'd have left Venezuela and moved to Colorado, let alone stay here for 9 years. (As many tcks would demand it, 9 years is just TOO LONG to be anywhere! So UNNATURAL!) But I'm glad I can see God's plan for my life unfolding so beautifully. All the lessons, experiences, and relationships have had a tremendous impact on who I am right now. Nothing was wasted and no good or painful season was without value. So intricate are the workings of our life. All that God orchestrates is so much bigger than us. It is only in pieces that we see it. But when we do it leaves us in great wonder.

Maybe I'm just too pensive sometimes but I love thinking about this. Because its real. Because it's our story beyond our world. Way beyond what we do with our lives or what we understand about our life on earth, it's the Beginning of who we are, what will come, the essence of life in Christ. I don't know if that makes sense, but it does in my head. ;)  Its a little movie speech-ish but I'm pretty sure this is what I sounded like when my 10 year old self would be sitting there on the ledge of a 10 story high rise apartment in Caracas contemplating the meaning of life as I knew it. True story. :)